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New Factory

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Age: 1926

Style: Industrial building based on late modernism, for cotton spinning

Authorship: Architect, Salvador Vinyals, has works such as the Model prison or the Tívoli and Novedades theaters

Characteristics: 150 m long by 50 m wide. Structure: the ground floor has three alignments of columns, which in this case are taller and made of laminated iron in the shape of an "I", which support the roof by means of Catalan brick vaults. The first floor has a single central alignment of columns that supports the light wood floor of the attic. The attic is made up of metal trusses and the wooden floor they support. There are two gable roofs. At the four corners there are towers that protrude in plan, for the part of the shorter facades, the structure is different and is built with composite beams riveted with cross stiffeners. The tower in the north corner has a higher hierarchy than the others and served as a vertical circulation module and as a support for the typical high water tank found in textile factories. The interior staircase is built with a Catalan vault structure.

Facade: The building is a large prismatic body, with two long and two short parallel facades, flanked by four towers that close the facades. The large openings in the form of tripartite division windows with lowered arch lintel stand out. The long facades are formed by the succession of eleven large tripartite windows, which externally show the separation between the ground floor and the first floor.

State of conservation: Until 2006 it was quite good, despite the 17 years of neglect. The 1967 addition has recently collapsed and the north-west facade has been slightly damaged. The remodeling project that will conserve and restore the four exterior facades and the four towers is currently being completed.

  • Adreça: Via de Sant Ignasi amb Plaça del Remei
  • Telèfon: +34 653 877 490
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