Les Acàcies Wine Cellar

The Les Acàcies winery is located in Avinyó, in the northern part of the Bages plateau. The 11 hectares of vineyards are planted around the winery, delimited by pine forests, oaks, holm oaks and shrubs such as rosemary and heather bushes, which predominate in the reliefs that surround the Relat stream that crosses the estate.

The philosophy of the winery as wine makers, is to achieve the maximum harmony and expressiveness in the entire range of their wines, reflecting the best qualities of the fruit and its natural environment. One of the main objectives is to obtain the best possible raw material, maintaining a good balance between natural resources and the productivity of the vineyard with the minimum intervention of labors or agents external to its own nature. Maintaining the essence and spirit of Bages, they want to add value and identity to the area and that is why they bet on autochthonous varieties such as Mandó, Picapoll, Sumoll or Garnacha. Also they have a selection of varieties chosen for their excellent adaptation in their territory. At Les Acàcies they want each of their wines to have a distinct character of its own and not to leave anyone indifferent.

They invite you to their winery and its surroundings through proposals that address the senses to enjoy a rewarding and surprising wine tourism experience.

  • Adreça:
    Finca Les Acàcies Crta. B-431 km 56,7 08279 Avinyó
  • Telèfon:
    +34 618 67 00 63 (WhatsApp only)
  • Correu electrònic:
  • Web:
  • Horari:
    From Thursday to Sunday from 10am to 12 noon